April 17, 2019
While there were significant changes in Federal tax laws this tax season, two things did not change — the trust and confidence you, our clients, both returning and new, demonstrated in the No Doubt Accounting team. On behalf of the entire No Doubt Accounting family, we wish to express our gratitude to each of you for relying on us to guide you through one of the most challenging tax seasons. Year of Change Increased take-home pay, adjustments to tax brackets, revised standard deductions and a host of other changes contributed to the complexity of preparing 2018 tax returns. Fortunately, our team was prepared. After long hours of studying new tax codes and literally going the extra mile to travel to attend multi-hour training sessions, we were ready to deliver the best tax counsel and recommendations available. More Time with You The several changes in tax laws required our team of experts to spend more time with you explaining code revisions and recommending options to secure optimum outcomes for you, your family and your business. With the crush of tax season behind us, if you desire further explanation about your 2018 tax return, please don’t hesitate to contact us. It is our pleasure to spend additional time with you to ensure you understand your unique tax situation. And while were talking, let’s look ahead to 2019. For personal filers, we may be able to recommend steps you can take now to improve your tax situation in the coming year. For business owners, we can project your quarterly tax payments and help you avoid overpayments. Finally, if we helped you file an extension for your 2018 tax return, we continue to be here for you to answer your questions and complete your return. Our Privilege Thank you for the privilege to be your trusted tax advisors. You work hard for your money. We work as hard — or harder — to make sure you keep as much as your hard-earned dollars as you can to benefit you, your family or your business.